Not owning a car and my carsharing experience

My personal car-sharing experience with cambio car. Especially, my costs data for you to get a feeling of how much it costs for a day trip, weekend trip or even a 1 week vacation.

Not owning a car and my carsharing experience
Cambio Carsharing Logo

I do not own a car. ๐Ÿ˜ฒ Shocker. Even though we moved out of the city (Cologne) we did not buy a car yet. This area is not as bike-friendly as I would like it to be, but it works for us with the current circumstances.

Not owning a car does not mean I am not using a car. The Deutsche Bahn is just a bad joke. Too late, not coming at all, or just not enough train stations in the areas we want to go. Also, often it is super expensive! I would love to use it more, but it does not always work.

Anyway, I do not want to own a car. A pile of metal that will cost me a good amount of money every day and will just be used 2 times a week for a couple of hours.

Therefore I am a big fan of carsharing. But most people only know these free-floating models. These are cars you can just book via an app and you can park them anywhere later as long as you are in a distinct area. Mostly more or less neat to the city center.

But there is also a station-based car sharing and the one I am using is called cambio. The only downside for station-based cars is, you have to go to the station. Now that is a ~15 minute/4,7 km bike ride from our home. But the huge benefit: winter/summer tires, oil change, cleaning, gas, repairs, everything is taken care of. Everything is already included.

They seem to have the most presence in the west of Germany. But I bet there are other good competitors out there.

A map of cambio car stations in Germany

Let us get into some numbers because that might be interesting for you if you live near a station. I hope this helps you to decide if you want to buy a car or use a service like this.

In 2023:

  • I rented a car 19 times
  • for a total of 612:20 hours of booking time
  • drove 4.927 km
  • paid 2.117,13 Euro (including gas, kilometers, taxes, everything)

The average yearly kilometers per car in Germany is about 12670 km. This would be about times 2.5 and then the year would have cost me 5292 Euros.
Now, do not forget that this includes gasoline, tires, repairs, etc. Everything.
Another thing that would make the price drop a bit is switching to their COMFORT plan. That would lower the price as well.

In total from 30.06.2018 to today 16.03.2024:

  • I rented a car 77 times
  • for a total of 2131:33 hours of booking time
  • drove 15.127 km
  • paid 5.810,89 Euro (including gas, kilometers, taxes, everything)

Data for you

Since it might help to get a feeling, here is my whole history and the cost for each renting time. We used the cambio for vacations, weekend trips, and day trips.

Datum Buchungsbeginn Buchungsende Kilometer Betrag Zeit Betrag Kilometer Betrag Gesamt Mehrwertsteuer Tarif
09.03.2024 3/9/24 10:00 3/10/24 18:33 434 39.86 89.46 129.32 20.65 AKTIV
02.03.2024 3/2/24 8:45 3/2/24 19:16 342 22.33 71.98 94.31 15.06 AKTIV
23.02.2024 2/23/24 13:00 2/25/24 19:00 0 7.12 0 7.12 1.14 AKTIV
11.02.2024 2/11/24 10:00 2/11/24 18:48 83 19.95 21.58 41.53 6.63 AKTIV
23.12.2023 12/23/23 15:00 12/27/23 20:43 531 114.42 107.89 222.31 35.49 AKTIV
03.12.2023 12/3/23 13:45 12/4/23 18:20 215 34.4 50 84.4 13.48 AKTIV
27.10.2023 10/27/23 9:00 10/27/23 20:10 323 22.09 71.6 93.69 14.96 AKTIV
22.10.2023 10/22/23 10:00 10/22/23 19:03 89 19.23 24.03 43.26 6.91 AKTIV
14.10.2023 10/14/23 13:30 10/15/23 17:29 255 31.07 58 89.07 14.22 AKTIV
08.09.2023 9/8/23 16:00 9/8/23 23:46 68 15.7 18.36 34.06 5.44 AKTIV
26.08.2023 8/26/23 14:00 8/27/23 15:51 222 43.85 58.06 101.91 16.27 BASIS
19.08.2023 8/19/23 8:00 8/20/23 19:19 431 64 106.13 170.13 27.16 BASIS
28.07.2023 7/28/23 17:30 7/29/23 18:28 221 35.95 55.62 91.57 14.62 BASIS
22.07.2023 7/22/23 10:00 7/25/23 17:25 127 123.64 34.94 158.58 25.32 BASIS
05.07.2023 7/5/23 17:15 7/5/23 21:34 149 18.44 39.78 58.22 9.3 BASIS
30.06.2023 6/30/23 12:30 7/2/23 19:27 594 92.64 137.68 230.32 36.77 BASIS
10.06.2023 6/10/23 9:30 6/10/23 12:59 14 14.32 4.06 18.38 2.93 BASIS
01.06.2023 6/1/23 17:30 6/2/23 17:59 238 32 59.36 91.36 14.59 BASIS
22.04.2023 4/22/23 10:30 4/22/23 14:58 79 17.34 21.33 38.67 6.17 BASIS
07.04.2023 4/7/23 17:00 4/9/23 20:49 269 78.6 62.49 141.09 22.53 BASIS
01.04.2023 4/1/23 9:30 4/2/23 19:37 512 64 113.52 177.52 28.34 BASIS
24.02.2023 2/24/23 17:00 2/26/23 17:12 252 72.69 58.92 131.61 21.01 BASIS
20.02.2023 2/20/23 8:30 2/21/23 19:11 338 64 76.98 140.98 22.51 BASIS
24.12.2022 12/24/22 11:00 12/28/22 10:37 496 84.21 91.32 175.53 28.03 COMFORT
24.09.2022 9/24/22 20:00 9/24/22 21:19 99 3.19 24.75 27.94 4.46 COMFORT
11.09.2022 9/11/22 12:00 9/12/22 15:39 142 28.44 31.14 59.58 9.51 COMFORT
22.08.2022 8/22/22 18:00 8/22/22 18:54 8 2.55 1.92 4.47 0.71 COMFORT
21.07.2022 7/21/22 18:15 7/21/22 21:16 99 5.96 23.76 29.72 4.75 COMFORT
14.07.2022 7/14/22 16:45 7/16/22 22:04 323 51.99 61.91 113.9 18.19 COMFORT
09.07.2022 7/9/22 9:45 7/9/22 13:51 46 7.23 11.04 18.27 2.92 COMFORT
06.07.2022 7/6/22 16:45 7/6/22 19:14 47 4.89 11.28 16.17 2.58 COMFORT
22.06.2022 6/22/22 18:00 6/29/22 16:20 684 126 123.28 249.28 39.8 COMFORT
18.06.2022 6/18/22 14:00 6/19/22 15:43 332 22.98 62.44 85.42 13.64 COMFORT
13.06.2022 6/13/22 18:00 6/13/22 19:41 45 4.25 10.8 15.05 2.4 COMFORT
11.06.2022 6/11/22 9:15 6/11/22 11:49 43 4.68 10.32 15 2.39 COMFORT
08.06.2022 6/8/22 15:45 6/8/22 19:43 72 7.86 17.28 25.14 4.01 COMFORT
05.06.2022 6/5/22 15:00 6/7/22 13:51 199 42 40.83 82.83 13.22 COMFORT
22.05.2022 5/22/22 13:15 5/22/22 18:15 65 8.71 16.25 24.96 3.99 COMFORT
10.05.2022 5/10/22 17:15 5/10/22 20:02 64 4.84 16 20.84 3.33 COMFORT
06.05.2022 5/6/22 17:45 5/8/22 12:19 174 40 38.32 78.32 12.5 COMFORT
23.04.2022 4/23/22 16:00 4/23/22 20:06 114 7.17 27.52 34.69 5.54 COMFORT
02.04.2022 4/2/22 7:00 4/3/22 16:13 236 34.92 49.48 84.4 13.48 COMFORT
04.03.2022 3/4/22 19:30 3/5/22 2:00 0 3.44 0 3.44 0.55 COMFORT
26.02.2022 2/26/22 9:30 2/27/22 18:41 177 34.53 35.32 69.85 11.15 COMFORT
04.02.2022 2/4/22 17:45 2/6/22 16:09 164 40.19 33.24 73.43 11.72 COMFORT
08.12.2021 12/8/21 16:30 12/11/21 14:07 207 60.38 40.12 100.5 16.05 COMFORT
04.12.2021 12/4/21 11:00 12/5/21 2:41 169 20 34.04 54.04 8.63 COMFORT
28.11.2021 11/28/21 11:00 11/28/21 18:26 186 12.77 34.9 47.67 7.61 COMFORT
19.11.2021 11/19/21 17:00 11/20/21 22:18 172 29.1 32.8 61.9 9.88 COMFORT
10.11.2021 11/10/21 16:00 11/10/21 18:29 58 4.65 12.76 17.41 2.78 COMFORT
06.11.2021 11/6/21 11:00 11/7/21 17:16 132 30.45 26.8 57.25 9.14 COMFORT
31.10.2021 10/31/21 8:00 10/31/21 22:42 66 19 14.52 33.52 5.35 COMFORT
25.09.2021 9/25/21 14:45 9/25/21 22:08 168 11.63 32.2 43.83 7 COMFORT
13.08.2021 8/13/21 18:00 8/15/21 3:05 227 29.32 41.05 70.37 11.24 COMFORT
29.07.2021 7/29/21 18:45 7/31/21 22:47 175 44.51 33.25 77.76 12.42 COMFORT
17.07.2021 7/17/21 9:30 7/18/21 19:27 411 34.38 68.65 103.03 16.45 COMFORT
27.06.2021 6/27/21 15:00 7/4/21 14:34 846 114 133.9 247.9 39.58 COMFORT
12.06.2021 6/12/21 10:30 6/13/21 20:00 355 60 73.45 133.45 21.31 BASIS
24.05.2021 5/24/21 11:30 5/24/21 15:17 64 15.67 16 31.67 5.06 BASIS
21.05.2021 5/21/21 17:30 5/23/21 16:52 168 60 37.92 97.92 15.63 BASIS
07.05.2021 5/7/21 20:00 5/9/21 17:54 164 60 37.16 97.16 15.51 BASIS
30.11.2020 11/30/20 14:00 11/30/20 20:12 131 19.13 29.58 48.71 6.72 BASIS
15.11.2020 11/15/20 11:30 11/15/20 14:57 63 11.55 15.12 26.67 3.68 BASIS
10.08.2020 8/10/20 17:15 8/10/20 18:53 47 6.38 11.28 17.66 2.44 BASIS
21.07.2020 7/21/20 18:00 7/21/20 21:18 30 9.45 7.2 16.65 2.3 BASIS
14.01.2020 1/14/20 18:45 1/14/20 19:47 18 9.54 4.5 14.04 2.24 BASIS
12.01.2020 1/12/20 16:30 1/12/20 21:24 173 14.85 38.87 53.72 8.58 BASIS
29.11.2019 11/29/19 16:45 12/1/19 18:44 242 60.46 51.98 112.44 17.95 BASIS
23.10.2019 10/23/19 11:45 10/23/19 17:16 182 16.71 40.58 57.29 9.15 BASIS
14.10.2019 10/14/19 8:30 10/14/19 17:10 59 24.81 14.75 39.56 6.32 BASIS
12.10.2019 10/12/19 10:30 10/12/19 14:56 32 13.37 7.98 21.35 3.41 BASIS
20.09.2019 9/20/19 11:30 9/20/19 14:25 32 8.78 7.98 16.76 2.68 BASIS
07.09.2019 9/7/19 13:45 9/8/19 17:58 163 40.14 36.97 77.11 12.31 BASIS
22.08.2019 8/22/19 14:45 8/22/19 18:18 92 10.36 23 33.36 5.33 BASIS
04.08.2018 8/4/18 13:15 8/4/18 20:10 192 20.41 40.56 60.97 9.73 BASIS
27.07.2018 7/27/18 18:00 7/29/18 19:56 152 62.9 33.36 96.26 15.37 BASIS
30.06.2018 6/30/18 13:00 7/1/18 18:23 536 42.84 102.48 145.32 23.2 BASIS

That is it. I hope this lets you think about buying a car or going for a local station-based car-sharing solution.

Last Words

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