I am giving up on MikroTik WiFi

A few weeks back I got myself a nice MikroTikSwitch. I really like the CRS328-24P-4S+RM which is in use for a few months now. I thought their APs could be a good addition to my network as well. I can not use my FritzBox anymore because it is degraded to work as a modem only right now.
So I got myself a wAP ac and cAP ac.
Yeah, I know MikroTik has a DAMN steep learning curve. Especially their RouterOS. So the next weeks were all about learning about WiFi and RouterOS. I learned a freaking ton about radio and WiFi in general. It was fun. I love learning new things. Understanding something you use every day, take for granted and suddenly have a better understanding of that.
But then it was not fun anymore because despite my efforts I could not get a stable WiFi with MikroTikas I had with Fritz devices only.
My Googles Home devices used for multi-room audio could not be used in a group. WiFi devices kept disconnecting. WiFi was mostly slower. The range was awful in a 60 m2 apartment. After reading and watching and configuring the devices I give up on MikroTikWiFi devices for now.
I mean sure, it is really dense like in any other big city. But before switching the FritzBox 6490 Cable + a Fritz Repeater 1750e were doing way better.
I might that I was not smart enough to figure it out. But now I decided I just want good WiFi.
I asked in the company slack what a home lab nerd wants these days and one of my coworkers had an UAP-AC-Pro-Gen2 lying around and did not need that for a few months. Perfect for testing!
Starting the controller software in Home Assistant since I am lazy.
Does not work. The AP stays in adopting and the update is not possible.
After reading the docs the UniFi Controller Add-On I saw that I had to change the hostname/ip in my AP.
The installation of this add-on is pretty straightforward and not different in comparison to installing any other Home Assistant add-on.
- Search for the "UniFi Controller" add-on in the Supervisor add-on store and >install it.
- Start the "UniFi Controller" add-on.
- Check the logs of the "UniFi Controller" to see if everything went well.
- Click the "OPEN WEB UI" button, and follow the initial wizard.
- After completing the wizard, log in with the credentials just created.
- Go to the settings (gears icon in the bottom left) -> Controller (tab).
- Change the Controller Hostname/IP to match the IP or hostname of the device >running Home Assistant.
- Check the box Override inform host with controller hostname/IP.
- Hit the "Apply Changes" button to activate the settings.
Ready to go!
You can SSH into the AP with ssh ubnt@<YOUR-IP>
and password ubnt
What can you do? Just type help
BZ.v3.9.19# help
UniFi Command Line Interface - Ubiquiti Networks
info display device information
set-default restore to factory default
set-inform <inform_url> attempt inform URL (e.g. set-inform
upgrade <firmware_url> upgrade firmware (e.g. upgrade
fwupdate --url <firmware_url|firmware_name> [--dl-only] [--md5sum <sum_of_fw>]
[--keep-firmware] [--keep-running] [--reboot-sys]
new firmware update command
reboot reboot the device
Set inform address: set-inform http://:8080/inform
and then everything should work. While I was in the terminal I also updated the AP via the command line.
Now the UAP-AC-Pro-Gen2 is in test mode. Let's see if this guy is any better than my MikroTik attempt.