Home Automation
Free your robot vacuum from the cloud
How to use the robot vacuum without a cloud and integrate it with Home Assistant. With that, some pros and cons of a used older robot vacuum.
Home Automation My personal choice is the smart home hub which protects your data, does not rely on the cloud, and enables you to connect several smart home devices and ecosystems. Home Assistant is the way to go here. Most things will be made with Home Assistant because I care about privacy and local data instead of using some cloud service. Sometimes cloud services are necessary and will be used as well when the benefit is good enough.
Home Automation
How to use the robot vacuum without a cloud and integrate it with Home Assistant. With that, some pros and cons of a used older robot vacuum.
Home Automation
Automatically water plants with physics and a simple water container thanks to the Blumat system. Additionally, detect if the water container is empty with Home Assistant and get notified.
Home Automation
Make your old doorbell smart with Home Assistant and ESPHome
💡I am not actively working on this anymore. Feel free to adjust and play with this as you like. Here are all the resources: https://oshwlab.com/ajfriesen/pc-swtich https://github.com/ajfriesen/pc-switch A friend recently asked me, if I know a smart home switch that runs 5V and
Home Automation
Measure Air Quality in your Home Office with Home Assistant
Home Automation
Disclaimer: This is only useful for people living in Germany. But you might get inspiration from this post to build this yourself. Let's go. So the other day I stumbled across a competition from the German Make magazine about automation and found a guy who did build a
Home Automation
Smart bed heater update with integrated timer function in ESPHome.
Home Automation
How to build a smart bed warmer with Home Assistant.
Home Automation
How to monitor Home Assistant or any other service with a free monitoring tool: UptimeRobot
Home Automation
After 7 long months of waiting, I finally got my Home Assistant Blue. It is basically an Odroid N2+ with 128 GB EMC, Power Cable and a really nice looking case. I mean look at this, doesn't it look just great? Home Assistant Blue took apartFor the last