Weekly Musings
Moving and Internet Chaos
Moving to a new home and chaos with internet in Germany.
Weekly Musings
Moving to a new home and chaos with internet in Germany.
Weekly Musings
Analytics for May and June and updates on why I do not write much lately. And also links to my blog posts.
Weekly Musings
pc-switch update, managing tabs, iPod classic update coming soon, and a tech book for babies.
Weekly Musings
Blog and member statistics of April 2022.
Weekly Musings
Weekly Musings
Adding Patreon-style subscriptions to this blog. Additionally, recommend a podcast about Ghost.
Weekly Musings
A small update on the pc-switch project. Teasing a website move for another project. A list of self-hosted platforms which make self-hosting easier with nice web interfaces.
Weekly Musings
Weekly Musings
Two new blog post about updating Ghost and installing Ubuntu on my Desktop. Found an awesome resource for learning docker and containers and an in depth article about Raspberry Pi SD Card corruption.
Weekly Musings
One new blog post about the new PCB version of my pc-switch and the process of making it. A few thoughts on live coding on Twitch.
Weekly Musings
Two new blog posts this week and I got my first PCB for the pc-switch. I also stumbled across a promising Rasperry Pi based NAS.
Weekly Musings
Raspberry Pi turns 10, CNCF Glossary, Solo Dev Planning Advice